Evaluation of Pediatric Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding Following a Single Dose Ingestion of NSAID

Author Details

Ramazan Cahit TEMİZKAN, Muhammet Mesut Nezir ENGİN, Betül TÜREN, Kenan KOCABAY

Journal Details


Published: 23 April 2020 | Article Type :


Aim: The 5 children who were admitted to Düzce University Medical Faculty Pediatric Emergency Clinic and were diagnosed with gastrointestinal bleeding after a single dose of NSAIDs were included in this study. We were analyzed the demographic characteristics of the patients and the healing processes of the disease. We aimed to emphasize that NSAIDs do gastrointestinal bleeding even in single dose use.

Method: Children who admitted to Duzce University Pediatric Emergency Department with gastrointestinal bleeding after a single dose of NSAID between January 2015 and March 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Bloody vomiting was observed in all cases a few hours later after NSAID intake. After exclusion of other causes that may cause these findings, there was gastrointestinal bleeding due to NSAID use.

Results: Five children who were two girls and three boys were admitted to the hospital due to gastrointestinal bleeding after the use of NSAIDs. None of them had a known chronic disease and no history of drug use. Bloody vomiting was present in all cases. Two patients had abdominal pain, two cases had black stools and one patient had syncope.

Conclusion: Patients presenting with bloody vomiting and bloody saliva after NSAIDs intake should be evaluated for gastrointestinal bleeding. In terms of anemia, serum hemoglobin, urea, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels should be investigated in terms of acute renal failure. Treatment should be decided according to the patient’s clinical condition.

Keywords: NSAID, Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Child.

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Ramazan Cahit TEMİZKAN, Muhammet Mesut Nezir ENGİN, Betül TÜREN, Kenan KOCABAY. (2020-04-23). "Evaluation of Pediatric Patients with Gastrointestinal Bleeding Following a Single Dose Ingestion of NSAID." *Volume 3*, 1, 1-5